In his Episcopal Address to the Minnesota Conference, Bishop David Bard reminded us of the biblical story of Jesus healing a boy possessed by a demon (Mark 9:14-29). Somehow if we are really to let these stories speak to us, we also need to grapple with the challenges of such stories in the context of lives where healing doesn’t happen or doesn’t happen the way we may want it to, he said. “Holding the gutting, heartbreaking, painful things and the beautiful, soulful things in large souls, capacious hearts, expansive minds; journeying together toward beloved community: May this be the Minnesota Conference.” You are welcome to share this with your congregation or use it in place of a sermon one Sunday. Watch or download Episcopal Address
May 24 (day one)
May 25 (day two)
Throughout annual conference, attendees watched videos that highlighted ways that churches and individuals are providing hope and healing to a hurting world. Watch the videos to learn about and celebrate what we are accomplishing as The United Methodist Church in Minnesota!
• Hope and Healing: A Look Back: A brief look at what we’ve accomplished together over the past year.
• 2022 Missional Report: Seven clergy reflect on the past year, share stories of their congregations and ministry, and look ahead with hope and anticipation.
• Leaving a Legacy, Feeding Families: An impactful food distribution started by Spirit River Community in Isanti now lives on through Coon Rapids UMC.
• Hope for Tomorrow: The members of the Minnesota Conference’s 2022 Clergy Leadership Academy share what an abundant life in Christ movement looks like and their hopes and dreams for the conference.
• 2022 Retirement Class Reflections: The 2022 class of retiring clergy share their reflections from their years of ministry and look ahead to what’s next.